• 17 November, 2023

My name is Professor Adi Masli, the Koch Foundation Professor in Accounting at the University of Kansas, USA. I am delighted to convey my testimony about Doctor Budi Pranowo. I currently reside and work in Overland Park, Kansas, USA. During certain months of the year, I travel back home to Indonesia, and I am grateful to have Doctor Budi as my primary care physician when I stay at Yogyakarta. I can honestly say that Doctor Budi possesses essential traits that make him a top-notch physician in my personal view. Clearly, he is a highly capable professional and holds an impressive track record. But, much more than that, he is caring toward his patients, meticulous in both his diagnosis and testing, willing to effectively communicate with and listen intently to his patients, empathetic to his patients’ struggles, collaborative with other medical professionals, and persistent in advocating for the best possible care of his patients. Doctor Budi also faithfully serves as the primary care physician of my mother and father, both living in Yogyakarta, and whom I deeply love and care about. Living so far away from my parents, I undoubtedly worry about their health and well-being. However, I have a deep peace of mind knowing that Doctor Budi is with them, able and ready to attend to their medical needs. In sum, Doctor Budi is a true gem and the medical community is fortunate to have him. I will continue to entrust him to take great care of my family and me. Finally, I wish him and his team an empire of success as they embark on their health tourism endevour.